I'm little slow finishing up Christmas presents for 2005 (or maybe just early for 2006?) My brother and his wife are very forgiving, and seemed thrilled to be getting one of my quilts. When I talked to Laurie a few days ago, she mentioned that she only had one of my grandmother's quilts. A yo-yo quilt. I'm pretty sure it would have been done in elongated flower format(grandmother flower garden layout but add another yo-yo to make diamonds). I vaguely remember seeing several of those over the years at my grandma's house or at my mom's.
Anyway, the quilt top is complete, I'm working on the backing, and hope to have the quilt loaded on the Gammill tomorrow. Still trying to decide how to quilt it. Laurie is an expert seamstress, and I'm a bit intimidated by the thought of her inspecting my work!
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