Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Selling Your House . . . What Clutter???

Any quilter that has ever put their house up for sale, has heard those words, 'but you must reduce the clutter' then they look at you - then at your sewing studio. Hubby looks at me as well indicating the 'clutter' of my studio is what is going to take the most work! It's not clutter, it's creativity strewn about. Then came the next pronouncement about finishing up customer quilts, because we need to get the longarm quilt machine OUT of the dining room (auxillary studio room 2).

Then you start boxing up ALL that fabric (so that's where that piece of brown went). You start to realize that you've got fabric you haven't seen for 10 years. What's nice about this move is that I was able to do some sorting and probably the biggest thing is having my studio be in 1 room instead of across 3.

Last time we moved the movers just threw everything in together, I found quilts at bottom of a box with bathroom stuff on top in box labeled bathroom). I was able to put all my feedsacks and vintage fabrics together, purse/totebag 'makings', UFO's, 30's fabric, civil war fabric, quilt tops, ready to quilt and so on.

I was also able to get rid of lots of things (so there will be room for more). Thread. I got a lot of thread from when my mom died. Most of it I gave to Laurie, but some I kept for the serger. Well, I don't use the serger much, and had about 30 spools of polyester serger thread that I put on eBay and sold in lots. That auction ends later today. Looks like there are lots of watchers, so expect lots of activity on that just before it closes. I've also got a bunch of older quilting thread that I got when I bought the old machine. They are types of threads that I just don't use, and haven't used the past couple of years. I think I will sell those in lots on ebay as well.

I cut a couple of boxes of fabric into strips and blocks and are ready to make some scrappy quilts. Some of it will make good backings for charity quilts.

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