Sunday, July 01, 2007

Houston Festival Catalogs have Arrived!

Received my catalog for Quilt Market and Festival on Friday. Need to get my order form faxed in, which is by far the best way to get signed up. Can't believe it is already time to be thinking about it. Even though we live just Northwest of Houston, we still like to rent a room and several of us stay and split the costs. Also nice to be able to go dump things in the room after a few hours of power shopping.

Last year I couldn't find a class to take, but this year there are too many to make a decision. I did notice that the Longarm classes are all but gone. Linda Taylor, Jamie Wallen, Cathy Franks and someone else each have 2 classes. Oh, and Ron Paul has 2 maintenance classes. Guess I'll pass on those.

Janet Fogg has a design class on Friday. She is one of my favorites. I lover her quilts, they are so creativly peiced as well as quilted. She doesn't sell patterns or books, so I don't plan on missing this one.

If for some reason you DON'T know the link for festival, it is They have finally updated their website, and looks somewhat professional now.

1 comment:

swooze said...

I have never been to Houston. I have to take the leap...curious about the catalog.